Prior to installing BTM-2023, verify that the computer that the software will be installed on meets or exceeds the following required system requirements:
•Operating Systems officially support must be either:
•Windows 11
•Windows 10
•Windows 8.1
•Windows Server 2019
•Windows Server 2016
•Windows Server 2012
•Windows Server 2008R2
•Note: The program has been installed and lightly tested on Windows 7. While we strongly encourage upgrading from Windows 7, the software appears to operate as designed.
•Computer Processor
•1 Ghz or faster 32-bit or 64-bit processor
•Memory (RAM)
•1 GB of System Memory (32-Bit Processor) or 2GB of System Memory (64-Bit Processor)
•Hard Drive / SSD Drive with minimum 250 MB free space
•USB Flash Drive or other removable or network storage suggested for critical data backups
•Keyboard/Pointer Device
•Keyboard and a mouse or other compatible pointing device
•Graphics Card / Display Device and Settings
•DirectX 9-Class graphics card with minimum 32 MB of graphics memory and display resolution of 1024x768 or grater at 100% Font Scaling and text size
•Windows Installer 4.5 or higher installed
•Microsoft Windows Installer technology is used to install the software. Normal updates and newer versions of Windows already have the required version or higher installed.
•MSVC++ 9.0 Runtime Libraries
•These libraries are used within the program and are typically installed when Windows is installed.
•Internet connection is recommended, but not required. The connection is typically used to download updates, upload to websites, email bowlers and online support